At MCOHA, we know that our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but through the actions of our initiatives. That's why we work hard to improve the lives of more than 12,000 of Morris County’s Hispanic and low-income residents every year, by providing direct social and legal services and client advocacy.
Our Mission Statement
In keeping with our strong heritage as a nation of immigrants, MCOHA aims to help improve the lives of Hispanic and low-income residents by providing direct social services, education, and client advocacy. We strive to inspire hope and community integration.
Our Vision Statement
Our vision is a community promoting cultural heritage where everyone is respected, self-sufficient and engaged in making a difference.
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95-99 Bassett Highway, Dover, NJ 07801 | (973) 366-4770 | info@mcoha.org
©2023 Morris County Organization for Hispanic Affairs.