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Your Support
Why Your Support Matters
The poet John Donne famously said, “No man is an island, no man lives alone.” As we look at today's intricately interconnected world, we see the truth of Donne's words.
We at MCOHA are here to help our community members, whether it's by tutoring local students, providing gifts to families in need, giving legal advice to new immigrants, or one of the many other ways we work to help New Jersey families. But we are not an island; our staff and volunteers live and work in the community. We eat and drink at local restaurants and we frequent other local businesses in the course of our daily lives.
We're all connected - that's why it's so encouraging to see businesses stepping up to partner with us by donating their time, money, and services. Restaurants like Sabor Latino and businesses like support the work we do and our staff, volunteers, and families support them by shopping and dining at their businesses. It's how healthy communities work - TOGETHER - to bring about lasting, positive change.
We encourage you to frequent the restaurants and businesses that support us because they help us to continue serving you!